Useful links

My CDs & digital downloads are for sale here:

For songwriting tips:

Information, tutorials and music theory:

For aural training for ABRSM grades:

For ear training:

For information about the benefits of learning an instrument:

Related Organisations:

The Academy of Music and Sound:

Rising Aspirations Stage School:

Musicians Union


Institute For Learning

Recommended books on songwriting:

The Frustrated Songwriter's Handbook: A Radical Guide to Cutting Loose, Overcoming Blocks, and Writing the Best Songs of Your Life by Coryat, Karl, Dobson, Nicholas (2006)

Songwriters On Songwriting by Paul Zollo (2003)

In Their Own Words: Songwriters Talk about the Creative Process by Bill Demain (2004)

Tunesmith by Jimmy Webb (1999)

Essential Songwriting CJ Watson (2007)

Steps To Songwriting Success Jason Blume (2008)

Graduating in Philosophy and Literature (2:1) from Warwick University 1991 Graduating with MMus in songwriting (1st) Bath Spa University 2015